Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Getting Courage

Last night and today was about getting courage up to talk to people about the coffee.  I looked at my phone contact list, and still took a relatively "easy" way out... I texted my cousin and just said "I'm distributing a weight loss coffee now" .  She immediately texted back "Tell me about it".  Somehow that gave me courage to then pick up the phone and tell her a bit about it.  (while my daughter is calling out in the background "mom, my DNA model won't stand up) - But seventh grade is hard, homework is ridiculous and long, so I knew I had a few minutes.  She was interested in drinking it for herself, but was concerned because of her kidney stones.  Wanted to make sure it didn't "add" to the potential.  It was great to know I had resources (those cool people up the pyramid) who I could ask about the ingredients.

So she wants a sample - so cool!  It was a minor milestone to pickup the phone and glad I did.  Further emboldened then came today with "in person" casual conversations.  Ironically was talking with my bookkeeper (a skinny gorgeous woman) about how I was doing this distribution on the side (ok I said multi level marketing even though I wasn't supposed to).  She said she wanted a sample for herself, and that she has a friend who marketed greeting cards multi level and maybe she could get me her information.

So after that super fun crazy lady came into our office who we've known for years.  She sells us our custom bags here at the office for my regular job.  During her presentation she made reference to her hefty weight quite often.  So I thought what the heck - and in the parking lot I told her "Hey I am selling weight loss coffee on the side".  She said "show me" - so we walked to my car and she gave me cash right away without even trying the sample first.

(of course I didn't have a full box in the car, so I said I would ship to her - but just got the $35 - not enough to pay for the shipping, but I'm learning)...

So overall confidence is building and building....  Hoping David will be my third "leg" today!

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